Jesus called us to reach out to people from every nation, share His love and act as his hands and feet. We @ LWF do this by meeting the physical and spiritual needs of those who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus. We partner with both local and international ministries, offering both financial and prayer support in an effort to come alongside what they are already doing in their communities. This not only empowers our own church, but also ensures the longevity of the missionary and keeps them culturally relevant to those they serve.

How do we do this?  Well, as a church we believe that God has provided to us as a means for us to help provide for His Kingdom.  With this Kingdom mentality - we seek to be a blessing wherever we can.  We do not accomplish this by continually asking people for money - instead we utilize the tithes that the members of LWF bring to the storehouse.  As we live this way, we believe that God will continue to expand not only our individual influence, but the influence of our church.

  • agape ministries

    Agape Ministries India was started with the vision to uplift the down-trodden and neglected communities. At a time when work among the slums and villages were unheard of, AMI was among the pioneer Christian Charitable Trusts established to meet the social and spiritual needs of these communities. Today AMI's outreach ministries scan over 650 unreached villages, with over 3000 worshipers in 28 churches.

  • Unreached Villages

    Bob and Vicki Bush are the founders and directors of Unreached Villages Ministries International, Inc. A global missions organization with the following priorities: Training and equipping pastors and leaders for effective ministry, Reaching the lost for Jesus Christ through short-term trips, evangelistic outreaches, and humanitarian projects, Stirring up the Body of Christ to go forth and reach their world for Jesus, Helping missionaries and national pastors fulfill their call.

  • anchor of hope

    Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Anchor of Hope offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, organizations, and individuals.

  • moldova harvest

    Moldova Harvest is an initiative to evangelize the entire nation of Moldova for Jesus Christ in 5 years. It was launched in 2011 by Missionary Evangelist Peter Mehl, founder of Russian Harvest Ministries. We have begun and thousands are already coming to Christ and churches planted. The nation is being transformed but we are just getting started. We are making history in Moldova and invite you to take your place in this historic effort.

  • campus crusade for christ (cru)

    Jarrod and Susie Lynn are full time ministers for Campus Crusade in the RI area. Our focus is not on programs, but on people. We believe life is about relationships, with others and a relationship with God. As we help college students grow in their relationship with God, they, in turn, will reach out to share Christ with their friends and future co-workers.

  • Vard & Eileen Gainor (lifegate)

    Rev. Vard and Eileen Gainor presently partner with ministries, churches and businesses to foster regional transformation through implementation of Biblical truth within the community as a whole. Vard’s background in corporate management has been transformed by the Holy Spirit through years of Christian service to yield a passion to see the full expression of Christ in our communities.

  • Teen Challenge of New England

    Teen challenge of New England is a faith-based addiction treatment program whose aim is to help residents find and use their personal faith in God to empower them to understand that they can take control of their addiction and have an accomplished life.

  • st. mary's food bank

    This is a local food bank, reaching out to those in Jewett City and the surrounding communities. 

  • impart ministries

    "Through building enduring relationships with pastors, churches, and Christian leaders, we provide apostolic networking, prophetic insight and practical teaching throughout the body of Christ to build up the house of the Lord and release the kingdom of God in the earth. Enabling believers to fulfill their destiny in Christ. Helping churches and church leaders fulfill God given vision. Strengthening and renewing church vitality " Martha Rodman also ministers to women, through example, teaching and ministry, and her publication REAL Women.

  • Ron & Gillian Flores - New Zealand

    Ron & Gillian have been involved in cross-cultural ministry with YWAM for over 25 years.  While the majority of that time was spent in Central Asia, they are currently working with School of Frontier Missions in New Zealand - training missionaries to serve across the globe.  Ron also works in a dental clinic which provides free dental care to the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand.